”How has January been for you? Have you made, and stuck to, your new year’s resolutions?”

The start of the year is always a good time to take a look at your business and decide what you want to achieve for the year ahead; what goals and objectives for you, your team the business in general.  Dust off that business plan, review and re-energise….

How has January been for you? Have you made, and stuck to, your new year’s resolutions? As we enter the second month of the year already – did your resolutions stand up?

Here are some stats that may not surprise you about New Year business resolutions in general;

  • By the end of the first week 27% have been broken
  • At week 2 stage that’s risen to 31%
  • By the end of the first month a little over half have been discarded or broken…

Are you back on that ‘hamster wheel’ endless emails, calls, invoice queries and customer issues… and you wonder ‘why do my resolutions fail? When I set them, was the target realistic? Did I communicate not only the resolution, but the expectations of others to contribute/deliver?

And there it is!  – three key things needed to drive for success on New Resolutions;

  • Commitment – are you truly committed to what this means and what it will take to deliver
  • Belief – do you believe in the resolution – what does it deliver, why, what, how, etc
  • Goals – have you set realistic goals and a time line. Have you articulated what these goals are – and not simply described ‘tasks’?

Managing, Leading and Growing your business is hard – requires strong focus, time management, priorities and really focused goals (few but detailed).  Communication (its two way remember) is critical and leading on goal delivery not managing tasks is a critical element.

It’s not too late – it’s early in the calendar year – to re-focus and re-plan.  

Here’s my offer to you – FREE 75 minute review and discussion about you, your business and goals. Then I can provide a ‘Fixed Price’ business review – covering 12 key points and provide you with a guide to achieve those goals.  If you wish, I can even help you to deliver those goals over a defined period – all for an affordable price that ensures value creation for you and your business.

Call or email me now and we’ll have that initial free face to face chat to get your 2019 resolutions back on track!


This article was first published on West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce News you can see it HERE

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